Saturday, June 14, 2008

Designer Sofas4u - Our Leather

Information about our Leather
Leather is a natural product that varies in colour and grain. Full grain leather will display the distinctive original markings that attribute personality to the uniqueness of each piece of furniture. Our leathers are hand cut and sewn to ensure that these variations in grain and colour accent your piece; therefore not only is it normal to have shade variations within a single piece of leather, for a true connoisseur of leather it is expected!
Spots and Spills – Blot, do not rub, excess liquid away immediately with a clean cloth or sponge. Let the area air dry. Most liquids will initially repel from the leather. If left to stand over an extended period of time, they will be absorbed. If absorbed, stains will dissipate through evaporation or the fibre structure of the hide with time.
Stubborn Stains – Use a clean, absorbent cloth or sponge. Apply a mild solution of any non-acidic soap and water, rub front to back or side to side. Do not rub in circles. Clean an area larger than the stain to avoid spotting. Wipe clean using a damp cloth. Go over the area once more using a damp cloth and rub cleaned area in one direction. Allow the area to air dry. It may be necessary to repeat this process for really stubborn stains. You may prefer to use distilled water.
Spots and Spills – Blot any excess liquid immediately with a clean cloth or sponge. Apply a mild solution of any non-acidic soap and water to the stained area. Rinse using a moistened cloth or sponge. Repeat the process if necessary for stubborn stains. Absorbed oil will dissipate through evaporation or the fibre structure of the hide.
Other Spills – Use a soft white cloth to remove immediate spills by blotting, do not rub, any excess liquid immediately away with a clean white cloth or sponge. Let the area air dry naturally. Brush with a suede brush to remove any excess material and to restore the nap.

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